ICSE 2024 Host
Vice Rector, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Türkiye

ICSE 2024 Host
Prof. Mehmet Emre Güler, PhD
Dean Faculty of Tourism, Department of Tourism Management – İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Türkiye
Prof. Mehmet Emre Güler, PhD. received his undergraduate degree from Anadolu University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration. He completed his master’s and doctoral studies in the field of production management at Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Social Sciences. He is currently working at İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Faculty of Tourism, Department of Tourism Management. He has several scientific publications on tourism management, destination management, production and service management, quantitative decision making methods and project management.

ICSE Platform
Dr. Roberto Solinas PhD
President – Mine Vaganti NGO, Italy
Founder and President, Dr. Solinas is the mastermind behind the strategy and concept of Mine Vaganti NGO (MVNGO) and as CFO in charge of all economic aspects. Directing the Project & Research Hub as European Project Manager he is the strategic grant write coordinator of MVNGO.
Dr. Solinas is specialized in Marketing that he deploys as lead in web development and social media coverage of MVNGO – its satellite organizations, initiatives and spin-off’s, and as lead in the development of MVNGO’s trans-continental network.
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As Formal and Non Formal Education (NFE) SALTO accredited Trainer, dr. Solinas acquired a vast expertise in Social Entrepreneurship, the scope of Erasmus+ such as Intercultural Dialogue, Social Inclusion, Environmental quests, etc. Experienced as key-note speaker, moderator and trainer Dr. Solinas attended many conferences, seminars and training courses around the world.
Pioneer in Education Through Sport (ETS) he coordinates MVNGO’s activities in the Sport field and the ICSE platform.
Dr. Solinas accomplished his master degree in Communication and Marketing Studies at the Sapienza University in Rome, obtained a specialization in “Sport management” at University “Bicocca” in Milan and He completed PhD in 2023 at the National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Sofia, Bulgaria.

Dr. Sadik Sadık Doğruer
Director, İzmir Provincial Culture and Tourism, Türkiye

ICSE Research
Dr. Maria Grazia Pirina
President – NGO NEST Berlin, Germany
Co-Founder and President of NGO NEST Berlin, Dr. Pirina as European Project Manager coordinates grant write and Implementation of European and National funded projects. As PR and Communication Expert she established, and leads local up to intercontinental partnerships and directs online and offline marketing campaigns.
Dr. Pirina is executive board member of MV International’s, for this and affiliated network of NGO’s, she coordinates global mobility through Higher Education and Vocational training-ships, trainings and volunteering. As speaker, moderator or as accredited (SALTO) trainer Dr. Pirina attended many conferences trainings and seminars around the world.
Dr. Pirina accomplished her master degree in Communication for Enterprise at “La Sapienza” University in Rome and obtained two specializations in “Communication and Organisation” at “La Sapienza” University in Rome and Cultural Event Management at ”Scuola Lisa Mascolo”.

Dr. Nureddin MEMUR
Secretary General of the Rectorate, İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University / Master Athlete, Türkiye
Born on January 25, 1970, in Malatya, he pursued his education in Malatya until university. In 1993, he graduated from the Faculty of Communication at Ege University. He later completed his studies as a Teacher at Ege University’s School of Physical Education and Sports in 1998. He has served and continues to serve in various roles, including as a member of the İZKA Development Board, a member of the EXPO 2020 Advisory Board, a board member of the İzmir Masters Athletics Club, and a founding member of the İzmir Athletics Sports Club. His active sports career, which began during his primary school years across different sports, continues today as a Masters athlete. Competing in international athletics events, he has earned various achievements multiple times. In 2012, he successfully completed the Level 1 Assistant Athletics Coaching course held by the Turkish Athletics Federation in Izmir, earning his coaching certificate.

Assoc. Prof. Barbara Mazza
President of the master’s degree course “Organizzazione e Marketing per la comunicazione d’impresa” Associate Professor Department of Communication and Social Research Sapienza, University of Rome
She is Associate Professor (Roma, Italy) and qualified full professor since 2023, in the Department of Communication and Social Research of the Sapienza University of Rome, where teaches Communication for Business Management and Event Management and Communication. Since 20017/2018 to 2023-24 she is President of the master’s degree course “Organization and Marketing for business communication”.
From 2019 she is Member of the Quid (Quality and Innovation of Didactics) project of Sapienza, with functions as head of teacher tutor training and delegate of the Faculty of Sociology, Political Sciences and Communication and she is member of the Didactic Commission of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology, Communication.
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From 2015 she is the local coordinator of several research projects at national, European (Erasmus Plus) and international level, and a member of IRNIST, International Research Network in Sport Tourism. It is a scientific research network involving scholars from 38 universities in 17 countries around the world.
She is co-director an editorial series for FrancoAngeli entitled “Sport, Culture and Society” and she is part of the scientific committee of national and European journals including “Sociology of Communication” published by FrancoAngeli and a journal of the Spanish association of Research on Communication published by University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
Her main research interests concern the Business Communication, Innovation and sustainability, Event communication, Sport communication, and Innovative teaching in the universities.
The most recent publications (2021-2023) about Sport Tourism are:
- 2022, L’ecosistema degli eventi nel terzo millennio. Approcci, metodi e prospettive di gestione e comunicazione, Wolters Kluwer, Milano. ISBN 978-88-13-38078-6
- 2022 con De Martini A. Roma Euro 2020: A Leveraging Model Analysis In: Mazza B. Sobry C. Sport Tourism and Its Territorial Development and Opportunities. p. 1-18, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275- 8896-7
- 2022 Introduction. Interpretive Categories for the Study of Local Development Prospects for Active Sport Tourism. In: Mazza B. Sobry C.. Sport Tourism and Its Territorial Development and Opportunities. p. 1-18, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275- 8896-7
- 2022 with Russo G. Italian Sport Policies for the Sustainable Development. In: Sobry C. Hozhabri K.. International Perspectives on Sport for Sustainable Development. p. 205-224, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-06935-2, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-06936-9 3
- 2022 with Ruggiero C. Esports nel calcio o calcio negli esports? I giochi elettronici fra opportunità economiche e difficoltà di istituzionalizzazione. In: A CURA DI MAURIZIO LUPO ANTONELLA EMINA E IGOR BENATI. VISIONI DI GIOCO Calcio e società da una prospettiva interdisciplinare. p. 129-144, Bologna: Il Mulino, ISBN: 978-88-15-29959-8
- 2021 with De Martini A., Calcio e Esports: un connubio ideale. Eracle. Journal of Sport and Social Sciences, 4(1), 36-53. ISSN: 2611-6693.
- 2021, How COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Has Affected Sports Practice. Italian Sociological Review, 11 (5S), 607-633] Doi: 10.13136/isr.v11i5S.474.
- 2021, Eds with Ruggiero C., Russo P., Il mondo degli esports. Attori, processi, regole e mercati, Etyipress, Firenze, pp.17-31. ISBN 978-88-97826-87-3.
- 2021, Italy: Sport Tourism Events. The Case of the Rome-Ostia Half Marathon. In Melo R., Sobry C., Van Rheenen D. (Eds.), Small Scale Sport Tourism Events and Local Sustainable Development. A Cross-National Comparative Perspective, Springer, Cham, pp. 151-172. ISBN 978-3-030-62919-9.

Mr. Emanuel Józefacki
Sports Director of the K.S. Lublinianka Club, Lecturer at the Lublin Academy of WSEI, Trainer Educator at the Polish Football Association, UEFA A Trainer, Coordinator for Sports at the Academic High School of Sports Championship in Lublin, Poland

Dr. Domenico Dentoni
Full Professor – Montpellier Business School, France
Full Professor of Business, Resilience and Transformation at the Montpellier Business School (MBS). In active collaboration with local and global societal stakeholders and students, his research seeks to understand, explain and enact how processes of organizing support the capacity of systems to bounce back, adapt, and radically change in the face of grand challenges. To do so, he bridges organization and entrepreneurship theories with wicked problems and complex adaptive systems.
His work has been recently published in Journal of Business Venturing, Organization Studies, Organization & Environment, Journal of Business Ethics and Business & Society among others. In line with this research vision, Domenico teaches participatory systems dynamics and value network analysis for organizational and systemic change at executive and graduate levels. Before joining MBS in 2021, Domenico personally received research grants for 2,4 Million in 2011-2020 from both European and international public funding agencies.

Assoc. Prof. Celal Gençoğlu, Ph.D.,
Lecturer, Dokuz Eylul University, Necat Hepkon Faculty of Sports Sciences, İzmir, Türkiye
Celal Gençoğlu is an Associate Professor in Sport Sciences with over 10 years of academic experience. He holds a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology and has expanded his research to cover diverse fields within sports sciences, including coaching, wearable technology, and data science. He is also a co-founder of Creinno Tech, where he applies his expertise to sports technology and innovation. As a former handball goalkeeper and national coach, he blends practical athletic experience with cutting-edge research and entrepreneurial efforts.

Hikmet Gümüş, Ph.D.,
Lecturer, Dokuz Eylul University, Necat Hepkon Faculty of Sports Sciences, İzmir, Türkiye
Hikmet Gumus is a medical school graduate with ten years of health experience. After completing a PhD in exercise physiology, he shifted focus to sports sciences. Hikmet Gumus is known for his work primarily in sports technology, including patented technologies, R&D efforts, and entrepreneurial activities.

Mr. Christo Velkov
Sr. Vice President Strategic Development Special Olympics Europe Eurasia Region, Belgium
Christo Velkov is an experienced civil society and philanthropy activist. Born in Bulgaria, he was involved in pro-democracy students’ movements, which led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Pursuing business education in Brussels, he started his professional carrier at the European Foundation Centre as the first Grantmakers East Secretary. Subsequently, he has held senior positions at EurActiv Foundation and the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
Velkov has dedicated most of his professional carrier to Special Olympics, the largest global movement working towards full social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities through sports-related initiatives. He has led groundbreaking improvements in Former Yugoslavia, review of orphanage policies and practices across Eastern Europe, engagement of EU and UN institutions and sports governing bodies, promotion of higher standards for child and vulnerable adult protection and safeguarding.
Velkov has received his postgraduate education from INSEAD (Business Administration) and Universite Libre de Bruxelles (African Studies). A father of three, he resides with his family in Brussels. In his spare time, he is a passionate, award-winning sailor.

Mr. Birol AYDIN (Accompanied by Gold Medallists)
President of the Turkish Special Athletes Sports Federation, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Umut Ziya Kocak, P.T., Ph.D., CKTI,
İzmir Katip Celebi University, Faculty of Health Sciences , Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Türkiye
Umut Ziya Kocak graduated from School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation at Dokuz Eylul University in 2011, completed MSc Degree in 2014 and PhD Degree in 2018 about performance and injury prevention for athletes in Dokuz Eylul University.
Dr. Kocak works as an Associate Professor in Izmir Katip Celebi University. He teaches courses about biomechanics, athletes’ health&rehabilitation, manuel techniques, and he acts as an advisor to physical therapy graduate students and is an active researcher himself.
He worked in a 1-year Post-Doc Researcher position about injury prevention and prediction in athletes at Wisconsin-Madison University, Wisconsin, USA. He is in the Executive Board of Kinesio Taping Turkey Association and Association of Turkish Sports Physiotherapists, also member of American College of Sports Medicine.

Director of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Universidade Lusófona CIDEFES – Research group in Sports behavior, Physical Education, and Exercise and Health Sciences Complexity sciences, PE teacher, Portugal

Mr. Pedro Dias
Gender Equality and Inclusion Manager, Portugal
Olympic Athlete
Pedro Dias works at the International Olympic Committee as a Gender Equality and Inclusion Manager. Previously he was the Director of Sport Evolution Alliance, an NGO specialized in European Grants, mainly the Erasmus + Sport Program . He holds a bachelor in Sport Management and he has successfully completed the programme “Executive Masters in Sport Organizations Management – MEMOS”.
Pedro Dias is an Olympic Judoka, third place in the European Championship, and he also performed as a coach in this sport. During many years he has worked organizing dozens of international sport events in Portugal and in Brazil, and he was also the Sport Director of the Sporting Clube de Portugal Beach Soccer Team. Through his career has acquired a worldwide sport stakeholders’ network.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa SAHİN
Faculty of Social And Human Sciences, Department of Psychology, İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şahin was born in Trabzon. He completed his undergraduate education at Gazi University and Karadeniz Technical University, his master’s degree at the Institute of Social Sciences of Karadeniz Technical University, and his doctoral education at the Institute of Social Sciences of Atatürk University. He currently serves as the Head of the Department of Psychology, Director of the Psychology Center, and Director of the Institute of Social Sciences at İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University.
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şahin has published 150 articles, 9 books, and 19 book chapters in national and international journals in the fields of sports psychology, school psychological counseling, and developmental psychology. He has carried out projects supported by TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) and the State Planning Organization.
He has received training in Gestalt Therapy, EMDR therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Marriage and Family Therapy, as well as suicide behavior and intervention techniques. He worked as a psychological performance consultant in sports psychology at the 2012 London Summer Olympics, the 2018 School Sports Olympics, and from 2013 to 2020 with Trabzonspor.

Dean of The Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Derya ÖZER KAYA graduated from Hacettepe University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in 2002. The same year, she started her clinical studies as a Research Assistant in the Sports Health Unit of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at Hacettepe University, focusing on Sports Physiotherapy within the Health Sciences Institute. She earned her Master’s degree in 2004 and completed her Ph.D. in 2009. In 2004, she conducted studies on “Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction” at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontic & Special Dental Care, and worked as a clinical fellow at Sheffield Hallam University’s Sheffield Centre of Sports Medicine in the UK. In 2007, she received the title of international trainer by conducting education and research within the scope of the Thera-Band Academy. From March 2011 to January 2014, she served as an Assistant Professor in academic and administrative roles at Ahi Evran University, School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. Dr. KAYA was awarded the title of Associate Professor in Health Sciences in October 2013 and received the title of Professor in February 2019. Since February 2014, she has continued her academic duties at İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

Ms. Samanta Sedda
Founder EduLab Nuoro, Italy Erasmus+ Ambassador for adult education, CompETS community member

Dr. Muhammad Farooq
PhD Candidate, Yasar University, Türkiye
Muhammad farooq is a passionate researcher in the field of sustainability , and it’s application in various aspects of businesses. He specializes in digital sustainable business models , comparative studies and the foundation of digital startups . Farooq has also a profile of working on comparative studies of countries based on entrepreneurial intentions , comparing smart cities and working with various prominent entrepreneurs. He also has a tilt towards tourism and the aspects related to latest trends in that. Currently completing his PhD from yasar university Izmir Turkey.

Onur Cengiz, PhD
CTO Aimlix, Türkiye
Onur Cengiz is an AI engineer, and software designer with a PhD in astrophysics. As CTO of Aimlix, Onur leads the development of AI-driven solutions tailored for smart cities, sports clubs, and education facilities.

EU project designer & manager, Mine Vaganti NGO, Italy

Full Professor – Faculty of Tourism, Department of Tourism Guidance – İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Volkan Altıntaş graduated from Gazi University in Ankara with Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and obtained an MSc in Tourism and Hotel Management at Akdeniz University in Antalya where he proceed to PhD at the same department. He worked as a Research Assistant between 2003-2010.
At the same time, he was the member of the Junior Researchers team in the center for European Integration Studies at Bonn University in Germany.
He completed PhD in 2010 with the dissertation of “The Effects of Tourism Development on Quality of Life of Residents: The Model of Alanya Region”.
His interested research areas are European Union, tourism politics, regional developments, quality of life and tourism economics. He knows English and German in professional level as foreign languages. He is working at Izmir Katip Çelebi University, Faculty of Tourism as a Full Professor.

Mr. Melih Kayacik
Manager of Tourism Directorate, İzmir Metropolitan Municipality
Born in Izmir in 1984, Melih Kayacik graduated from Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Econometrics in 2006. He worked in the areas of budget planning, strategic plan, internal control and risk management at Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, where he started working in 2008. He has been working as Manager of Tourism Directorate at İzmir Metropolitan Municipality since 2019.

Dr. Samiha Chemli
Duesto University, Spain
Dr. Samiha Chemli is an Associate Professor of Hospitality and Tourism Management and the Coordinator of University Relations (CIDE) at the University of Deusto. She has extensive expertise in hospitality and tourism management, in leading companies, managing crossfunctional teams, and providing leadership and consulting services. With over 19 years of academic and managerial experience, she has contributed significantly to teaching and program development in Tunisia, South Korea, and Spain. Her research interests include innovative tourism practices, mainly using the metaverse and virtual reality in tourism education.

Prof. Michail Toanoglou, PhD
Professor of Management Practice (PMP) & Academic Director of the MSc in Hospitality Management (IMHI) at the ESSEC Business School, France
Dr. Michail Toanoglou is a Tourism and Hospitality professional with extensive involvement in the private and public sectors. He has over 25 years of experience as a general Manager in 4 & 5-star resorts in Greece and has provided competitive added value in various tourism and hospitality development projects. He contributed to regional organizations as a Director or Consultant in Destination Sustainable Management and Branding.
He also has an academic and research background with more than 15 years of teaching experience in higher tourism and hospitality education in Greece and South Korea, and he has been involved in research projects in sustainable tourism. Since 2015 in South Korea, he has developed International Hospitality & Tourism University programs, including two bachelor’s, three Master’s, and a Ph.D.
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He has been a Certified Sustainability Expert by GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council) since 2018 and has contributed to various sustainability projects in APac region & South Europe. He is also holding the top Professional (CHA-Certified Hotel Administrator) and Academic (CHE-Certified Hospitality Educator) certificates from AHLA (American Hotel & Lodging Association).
With significant consulting contribution in private and public sectors, he implemented strategic development projects for regional public authorities and hotel companies.
He is a founding Member of the Greek NGO “EPOT – Tourism Think Tank.” He is the Secretary-General for the European region of the World Rural Tourism Conference (WRTC). He is the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Tourism & Crisis Management Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER).
He also coordinates the scientific committee for establishing a Sustainable Tourism Observatory for an island region in Greece, in close collaboration with UNWTO and INSTO (International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories).
Having essential publications in sustainability and carrying capacity, and contributing to international tourism and hospitality conferences keeps an active bond with the global tourism and hospitality academia.
From the end of August 2023, he became a PMP professor and IMHI Academic Director at ESSEC Business School.
PATA, GSTC, Skal International, AMFORHT

Mr. Erdinç Ergün
Diving Instructor and owner, Derin Doga Dive Center, Türkiye

Directorate of Tourism, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, Türkiye
Sinem Soygul completed her higher education in New York,USA with a background in urban planning and business management. With more than 10 years of international project management experience, she returned to Türkiye to serve the community through public sector initiatives. Since 2020, she has been a Destination Manager at the Directorate of Tourism, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. As a tourism professional in the public sector, she specializes in sustainable tourism, leading strategic initiatives that promote eco-friendly practices and position Izmir as a model destination for sustainable travel.Her expertise includes sustainable tourism development, urban aesthetics, and community engagement. Sinem is fluent in English and Turkish.

Mrs. Melis Özşen Öztunaoğlu
Deputy of General Manager Kuzey İzmir TEKMER – Technology Development Center and Entrepreneurship Services

Dr. Ladin Yıldıran
Co-Founder Pinyto, Türkiye

Ms. Nicole Lux
Sr. Project Manager, T mobile, United States of America 2nd master student Tourism Management, Yasar University, Türkiye
Ms. Nicole Lux earned her undergraduate degree in International Studies from the University of Washington in Seattle, USA, and holds a Master’s in Business Administration from Purdue University Global. She has nearly 20 years’ experience managing corporate projects at the headquarters of Starbucks Corporation and T-Mobile USA. Nicole is currently pursuing a second Master’s in Tourism Management at Yasar University in Izmir, Turkey, which complements her travel experience as a three-time exchange student and avid world traveler.
Beyond her professional accomplishments, Nicole is passionate about dance and fitness, dedicating much of her personal time to both learning and teaching. As a former co-owner of a social dance studio and a licensed Zumba™ instructor, she has shared her love for dance and wellness on an international scale.

Ir. Jann C. de Waal
Founder & CEO Info.nl, Chairman of Topsector Creative Industries at Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, The Netherlands

Onur Cengiz
CTO, Aimlix, Türkiye

Mr. Stefano Cucca
Founder, A.P.S. Rumundu, Italy

Hasan Çil
Aziz-Nesin Grundschule, Türkiyemspor Berlin, Germany

Mr. Barbaros Salman
Peace and Conflict Resolution Committee President, Rotary District 2440, Turkiye
Barbaros Salman is the General Manager of Çetinkaya Leather and Fur Company, where he has led operations for over 15 years. He graduated from Istanbul Technical University with a degree in Environmental Engineering and worked briefly in his field before transitioning to the family business in the leather industry.
Salman has been involved in Rotary since 2000, serving in various capacities including as President of the Dokuz Eylül Rotary Club and as a member of the Rotary 2440 E-Club and the Rotary Foundation Committee. He has also been active in the Peace and Conflict Resolution Committee, reflecting his engagement with social initiatives.
Since 2020, Salman has served on the Uşak University Rector’s Advisory Board, where he contributes his experience to support the university’s strategic goals and development.

Prof. Bruno Avelar Rosa PhD
Senior Partner – Qantara Sports,Assistant Professor at Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Prof. Bruno Avelar Rosa is a senior partner at Qantara Sports, a consulting firm specialized in sports industry that works supporting public and private organization, mainly in middle East, Asia, Europe and Africa, in reaching their goals. Based in Portugal, he advises a wide range of international clients. Bruno’s areas of expertise are sports policy, sports development and sports education.
As an external expert of the European Commission for sport topics, he has extensive experience related to cross sectorial collaboration between sport, health and employment. Prior to joining Qantara Sports, Avelar Rosa has been involved with and advised a number of local and international Federations, Higher-education institutions, Ministries and non-governmental entities.
With a PhD in Educational Psychology and a Bachelor in Sports Science, Bruno Avelar Rosa is also a visiting Professor at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and an author and co-author of several scientific papers and technical documents in the field of sports education, sports ethics, sport development and health-enhancing physical activity, coach education and learning processes. Bruno Avelar Rosa is a certified coach in Karate and Judo
Selected intellectual contributions
- Bender-Salazar R., Dentoni D. & Lubberink R. 2023. Systems mapping can facilitate the collective and shared understanding of complex problems. World Economic Forum Cliamte & Nature series, March 15th, 2023.
- Dentoni D., Cucchi C., Roglic M., Lubberink R., Bender R. & Manyise T. Forthcoming. Systems thinking, mapping and change in food and agriculture. Bio-based and Applied Economics.
- Ochago R., Dentoni D.& Trienekens J. Forthcoming. Unraveling the connection between coffee farmers’ value chain challenges and experiential knowledge: the role of farm family resources. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension.
- 2022-2026: 406 700€ research grant for the project entitled ENFASYS (ENcouraging Farmers towards sustainable farming SYstems through policy and business Strategies) from the European Commission (Horizon Europe scheme).
- Cucchi C., Lubberink R., Dentoni D. & Gartner W.B. 2022. ‘That’s Witchcraft’: Community entrepreneuring as a process of navigating intra-community tensions through spiritual practices. Organization Studies, 43(2): 179-201.
- Manyise T. & Dentoni D. 2021. Value chain partnerships and farmer entrepreneurship as balancing ecosystem services: Implications for agri-food systems resilience. Ecosystem Services, 49: 101279.
- Kangogo D., Dentoni D. & Bijman J. 2021. Adoption of climate‐smart agriculture among smallholder farmers: Does farmer entrepreneurship matter?. Land Use Policy, 109: 105666.
- Pascucci S., Dentoni D., Clements J., Poldner K. & Gartner W. 2021. Forging forms of authority through the sociomateriality of food in partial organizations. Organization Studies, 42(2): 301-326.
- Dentoni D., Pinkse J. & Lubberink R. 2020. Linking sustainable business models to socio-ecological resilience through cross-sector partnerships: A complex adaptive systems view. Business & Society.
- Walther C.M., Poldner K., Kopnina H. & Dentoni D. 2020. “Nano” regeneration: How human agency intermediates between nature and technology in community-based energy. Organization & Environment.