Sport can teach values such as fairness, teambuilding, equality, discipline, inclusion, perseverance and respect. Sport contributes to a healthy lifestyle and has the power to provide a universal framework for learning values, thus contributing to personal wellbeing and development of (soft) skills up to favorable conditions triggering responsible citizenship.


The International Conference on Sport and Education [ICSE] intents to function as a Podium for academic research and as a Platform for sharing best practices, debate and focus on employing: the methodology of ETS as a vehicle of:

  • upskilling and curricular enhancement of Sport with an extra attention to disadvantaged target groups, fostering inclusion and equal opportunities in as well as through Sports.
  • dynamic forms of values-based education V-ETS using sport to deliver curricula actively and cooperatively, the role of values and social skills in tackling global challenges, such as inactivity, obesity, unemployment, and conflict.

This approach is at the core of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on quality education, which advocates for inclusive lifelong learning opportunities and innovative content delivery) 

The platform intends to evidence and reflect on how sport is broadening traditional educational paradigms, bringing in new tools and procedures. An integrated and multi-sectoral perspective on Education Through Sport [ETS] and its application scenarios – for stakeholder adoption and societal impact

In short “using sport to build a better world” – as quoted by the UN and IOC cooperation


ETS methodology

To address a wider usability and impact across the European spectrum Sport as an educational tool: components as mentorship, skills, training, reflection and intervention are now inherent in the concept of ETS. Therefore, this educational model, following the framework of non-formal education [NFE], could be increasingly applied for various fields and purposes.

CompETS is a community, is a network, is a platform that at its center has the methodology of “Education Through Sport”.

CompETS wants to organize this community to serve as a platform for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and networking, with the goal of promoting the principles and practices of education through sport.

  • The CompETS community is searching for new members!

Our goals: – Creation of a community of experts and trainers of the Education Through Sport (ETS) methodology; – Creation of a depository of articles, papers, educational and training materials related to the Education Through Sport (ETS) methodology; – Elaboration of an Education Thorugh Sport Competence Framework; – Launch of an ETS Training Accademy.

If you would like to be part of the community and contribute to our platform kindly fill in the form.

Healthy Lifestyle

Aligned to the “The HealthyLifestyle4All Initiative” the European Commission wishes to involve sport movements at national, European and international level; state authorities (ministries), cities & regions (local governments) and civil society organisations.

Empowerment & Inclusion

Dual career paths

  • for sport professional and semi-professional athletes

Combining a sports career with education and work: how education changes and evolves to meet the needs of many professional and semi-professional athletes in their post-career placement. Dedicated pathways and cross-sectoral competences in the European Union policy framework

  • for sport professional, semi-professional and volunteering club managers



Sport Tourism

Sports tourism is one of the most demanded types of tourism. In particular, with the disappearance of borders, by making appropriate planning, almost everyone can participate in sports tourism organizations actively or as an audience. In the simplest terms, sports tourism can be defined as a type of tourism created by those who travel for the purpose of sporting activities (Alpull, Ak; 2018).

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