
The purpose of the REVITALIZE THE SCHOOLYARDS as valuable sporting resources for the community” project is to study, create, test anddisseminate a strategic administrative mechanism managed by municipalities and designed to stimulate local partnerships between sportsorganisations and schools in order to co-govern, take care and regenerate the schoolyards, as valuable commons to expand and improvethe supply of recreational sport practices, in a capillary way and through replicable and sustainable financing scheme.

Multisport Community Experience

MCE is a social-innovation sport project based on collective “movement” activity and competition. This project aims at activating a new user experience, new sense of belonging, new emotions, new relationship and healthy competition and a compelling motivation for a physically active and healthy living.

Sport Trainers Squared

It is known that migrants are underrepresented in sport activities at different levels. According to the White Paper on Sports (2007) “the accessibility of sport activity needs to be ensured for all citizens the specific needs and situation of under-represented groups must be addressed”. The participants of the "Sport trainers squared" project will determine methods that can be used to prepare migrants to become sport trainers.


The project SAYN-SPORT FOR ACTIVATION OF YOUNG NEET aims to develop an educational methodology to help youth workers empower young NEETs. The phenomenon of youth unemployment is very widespread in Europe and in the partner countries. It can have very dangerous consequences for young people, such as psychological disorders, social exclusion, and proximity to juvenile delinquency.


The general objective of the “European Week of Winter Sport” project is to encourage the participation in sport and physical activity while raising awareness about climate change and promote sustainability through the creation and the implementation of the European Week of Winter Sport. The priority that the project addresses the most is "Encouraging healthy lifestyles for all," with a focus on promoting physical activity and sport as a tool for health.


“Re(IN)novating Marketing Strategy Across Semi-professional Female Teams” (RINMSASFT) aims at strengthening managers of semi-professional female sport teams through an up-skill process related to marketing, communication and visibility strategies.v

CP Big Sport GAIA

GAIA aims to create awareness on the topic and foster the implementation of good governance and sustainability actions. In fact, sport presents broad opportunities to promote environmental awareness, capacity building and far-reaching actions for environmental, social and economic development across society.

CP Big Sport HRIC

HRIC is a 30-month Erasmus+ Sport project aimed at supporting vulnerable youth (16-30) experiencing mental health challenges. It develops training materials and policy recommendations to boost participation in sports, promoting mental well-being, particularly for those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

CP Big Sport CISCA

The CISCA project focuses on fostering inclusion and diversity by enhancing collaboration between grassroots organizations. It promotes social inclusion through sport in European neighborhoods while exploring innovative approaches to strengthen the social and cross-sectoral role of sport, emphasizing civil society activists and sports groups.

CP Big Sport GITG

GITG promotes access to team sports activities directly through school, that is the easiest and most direct way to provide different proposals in order to involve young girls who seldomly show interest in sports for several reasons like feeling uncomfortable, inadequate or frightened of social confrontation.

CP Big Sport FAMS

FAMS seeks to address the underrepresentation of women and mothers in sports by promoting employability, social inclusion, and equal opportunities through sport. The initiative focuses on advancing gender equality in sports coaching and teaching while striving for equal representation and gender sensitivity in decision-making roles. Despite some progress, disparities in equal opportunities persist in certain areas of sports. FAMS targets women, both with and without children, who are interested in leadership roles within sports organizations, as well as women working as managers and coaches in sports clubs, encouraging their active engagement in these activities.


The project “For me, for All” (4ME4ALL) addresses the topic of inclusion, participation in physical activity and health promotion, according to the EU Guidelines. In this segment, “For me, For all” aims to include children and adolescents at risk in sport using former elite athletes as tutors, providing the possibility of carrying out internships in clubs, promoting equality in opportunity and access, inclusion and equity of children and adolescents at risk.

KA2 Youth SC RES

RES focuses on promoting entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship education, particularly in sport, among youth in regions with high unemployment. It empowers young people, especially those with migrant backgrounds, to turn ideas into action through non-formal education and international collaboration.

CP Small Sport POW

The main purpose of the project is to improve the condition of youth by promoting processes of social inclusion and prevention of youth discomfort, intervening on social and relational factors using sport, and to counteract the phenomenon of early sports abandonment amongst youngsters.

CP Big Sport FITInRehab

The Fit-IN Rehab project supports seniors (60+) post-rehabilitation by training student volunteers to promote physical activity. It provides online resources, including 100+ exercises and nutritional tips tailored to various health conditions, helping seniors maintain health and autonomy with structured volunteer support.

CP Big Sport Heritage and Sport

The Heritage & Sport project promotes social inclusion and equal opportunities in sports for primary school children (ages 6-11) with disabilities. It compiles traditional European games and adapts them to children with special needs, offering a handbook and modular training materials to support inclusive physical activity.


The project GREW, part of Erasmus+, promotes social inclusion and combats discrimination by using Education Through Sport (ETS) to engage ethnic minorities. It fosters mutual understanding, counters racism, and equips trainers and young athletes with inclusive practices. The GREW Handbook on preventing racism among young people includes good practices, a structured training format, and sports tournaments to support its goals.


The Sail4Sustainability Project aims to empower young people to make sustainable choices and take action to protect the planet through sailing. By providing a safe and fun learning environment, the project will improve knowledge and skills of young people to become responsible stewards of the environment. The project addresses priorities in the areas of sports, capacity building in youth, environment and climate change, inclusion and diversity, and fighting social and geographic barriers.
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